July – September 2021


USA Dance Announces Chapter of the Year

Chapter #2022 - Heartland IN.

Congratulations to the Officers and Members of the Heartland Chapter # 2022, based out of Indianapolis, Indiana, on being recognized as the USA Dance 2020 Chapter of the Year. Social Dance VP Jean Krupa made the announcement as part of the 2021 Annual General Meeting. The Heartland Chapter officers worked throughout the year to keep members connected through virtual dance socials, including theme costumes, regularly publishing their newsletter, posting on social media, and coordinating efforts to support local charitable causes including raising money for Masks Indiana, local youth dance troupes, and dance teachers facing medical debt without income. Once Indiana allowed dance socials to restart, they implemented safety protocols to allow them to bring the community together again in a safe and healthy manner. See the story that featured them in our first online edition of American Dancer here.  You can find their chapter on FaceBook here.
Heartland Chapter will be presented with a plaque during the USA Dance National DanceSport Championships in Chicago November 4-7th.
Honorable mention was given to Southeast Florida Chapter # 6049 which kept their chapter together via online dance classes – with over 20% of the chapter members regularly participating.

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